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version 7

Tuesday, September 28

2 m0re days`!?! so soon`!!! g0al = to pass all my subjs (at least 6o)`? =x
plentiful tday - 1:42 am

Tuesday, September 21

studies. studies. and more studies. AHhhh! i'm g0ing bananas. i hate studying for exams. STRESSED!!! couldn't sleep well last night, having a bad headache today. Also kinda pissed of by Mr ***. 2/1 girls were t0rtured by him today. Had an0ther vice-principal, Mr Tan. Weird things happening these few days.
plentiful tday - 11:42 pm

Sunday, September 19

rah. just half an hour ago, i was planning my EXAM STUDY SCHEDULE. ha. me, study? u might laugh ur head off. but its true. i AM gonna stick to my plans to study (i hope) i need to get to the class of my choice next year, especially when its STREAMING`!! (although i haf no idea which class i wanna go to) amidst the busy weekdays, i must definitely make a point to keep to my schedule and plans. i cant aff0rd to l0se out. critical year! dUh. wish me luck.
plentiful tday - 9:20 pm

Tuesday, September 14

Lonliness dominates you. You can hide it well, but
its there, and your friends can see it. You
constantly feel alone, and need to do things to
fill your time. Your afraid to tell people
this, but sooner or later it gets out in a bad
way, and you think you screwed up everything.
And when you are in love is when you are sad
the most.

huhs? wadthe? stupid quiz =/so fake 1. but i lyk the picture xd
plentiful tday - 1:46 am

Monday, September 13

its term4 now. and im HATING it. crappy, i hate day 1 of each term. after the h0ls, the first day is always f0r handing up h0mewk =/ and im always so busy and tired 0ut the first day. yiKes`! t0day was an0ther plain 0ld b0ring day. i MUST really get to study harder(streaming)soon =x no matter what, i just g0tta f0rce myself to STUDY`!! dats abt all. Go0d luck u guys 0ut there, wh0 has streaming c0ming so0n and hating it like i do. ALL THE BEST TO MYSELF. =p
plentiful tday - 9:01 pm

Saturday, September 11

plentiful tday - 11:23 pm

Wednesday, September 8

t0day this is what i did. REFLECT. the whole day. i was reading this storybook. touching. Made me reflect, of everything i lived for, and the purpose of living. REFLECT was what i did the whole day. I just realised that my room is my favourite place. My whole world revolves around my room. Almost everything i do, i do it in my room. When i am down, i take comfort in my room, my bed. I cry into my pillows, talk to the walls in my room. Whatever, crazy i guess, but it helps. When i am happy, i use my handphone in my room, or go online in my room. I read storybooks on my bed, do homework, and there's my favourite chair too. EVERYTHING REVOLVES AROUND MY ROOM. i keep it locked these days, and i just only realised that i do alot of thinking and reflecting here. i guess nowadays i like to worry about things that i dont need to worry about. =( Concluding, whatever happens, this room is mine and mine only. I LOVE MY ROOM`!!
plentiful tday - 11:24 pm

Tuesday, September 7

*ugh* what sort of day is this? dAmn shitty`! whatever. it WAS a happy day at first. dUh. m0rning i w0ke up quite late. lazy to get up i guess. aftern0on i phoned XL to discuss abt the science proj. h0w much i wish i didnt haf to d0 it. yikEes`!! crap. after that i made blueberry muffins. it was dArn successful. And as a matter of fact, that was the ONLY thing i'm happy with today. *Mmm* delicious`! ok, after that phone calls started c0ming in. my friend was havin s0me family probs, and needed to talk to s0mEone. i didnt mind, but what i wanted to kn0w was. why ME? nvm bout that, but everybody seemed down in the dumps today, so quite a few came to me. so i am asking again. WHY ME`?? i am so dumb i can't even help or cheer ppl up. *ARGH`!! after that the day just went on slowly. When i was playin my piano in the evening, i quite forgotten all my darn probs. BUT` i dont know how, what or why, me and my BRO started shouting and quarreling with each other. Oh Well. i got so fustrated i st0pped playing the pian0 and said i had no mo0d to play anymore. Adding to that, i dont know why i was so stupid as to say, i wish i could go out and never come back. HATEFUL to say, my mum actually said "go la go la" in that WHO CARES? tone. Then, i got really mad. so now im blogging. (btw i just slammed and locked my d0or) WH0 CARES`??
plentiful tday - 8:32 pm

My compo which was supposed to be due on Friday. l0l. i just finished it though =d

Teenagers Are Pampered These Days

I agree that teenagers are pampered these days. Now in this modern world, besides their basic needs, teenagers also often get the things they want although they might not be of much use. Household income of most families is above average, enabling parents to pamper their children. Teenagers are often unreasonable and demanding, shown by the fact that once they catch sight of something they like; temptation for that item often catches them like a vice-like grip. Adding to that, teenagers complain that they do not have enough freedom and are stressed up, which isnt a fact.

Fashion and branded stuff has invaded the minds of young teenagers of this recent generation, blinding them. Try as they might in dissuading, parents often give in to them in the end. Current advanced technology, inclusive of handphones, computers, Mp3 players, Discmans, video games and such are expensive, but parents still fork out money to buy them for their teenage child. Some own a handphone or two, supposing to be used for orientation and contacting their parents in time of need, but instead they ignore the appropriate uses of a handphone, oblivious to how much is spent because of the numerous smses and calls they make each day. Isnt this obvious that teenagers are pampered then?

Parents usually have different expectations of their childs academic results; therefore the teenager might think it is stressful and pressurizing. They might complain of the peer pressure in school, and the hustle and bustle of their everyday life, involving co-curricular activities, tuition, remedials and such. Be it that way, has teenagers ever thought about the countless hours used in arcades, shopping, and maybe even dating? Shopping centres, fast-food restaurants are so often filled with students chit-chatting instead of studying. And do these students think where the money to eat comes from then? Open-minded as the parents of today are, shopping centres are often filled with young couples, wasting much of their time whispering sweet nothings to each other instead of staying home to study. Disturbed by their own poor results, some teenagers do not turn back until its too late, regretting it afterwards. Fatigued as they are, some teenagers are filled with stupidity and commit suicide, thinking it is the best way to solve their problems. Much freedom is there, just not being noticed by teenagers.

Moving on to household chores and duties, teenagers do not have to help out as much. Although some might, its usually with an exceptional reason. Some families have maids, which usually becomes the teenagers slaves, being ordered around the house, or sometimes even getting scolded. A growing teenager should be doing all these instead of their maids, enabling them to learn responsibility, but parents insist that they concentrate on their studies and not worry about household chores. So often, teenagers are exonerated by parents.

Summarizing all of my above points, I strongly conclude that most teenagers take their parents love and concern for granted, and are being overly pampered. This might possibly be ceased when families spend more time together, allowing teenagers to know their parents hardship during work, and that money isnt that easy to earn. This way, teenagers will learn to treasure them more and stop being as pampered as before.

plentiful tday - 5:46 pm

Thursday, September 2

these few days are so busy. cant wait for the hols to start.. whatever. today had npcc training. hurt my leg bec0z of the new sh0es. 0r mayb it wasnt the shoe's fault. d0nt kn0w. b0ring. had my result slip t0day. great`! i improved by 6 points.. i think? anyway, 1 of the ne0prints.

plentiful tday - 11:27 pm

Wednesday, September 1
tEacHers dAy`

0h man. t0dAy rAwkks` t0tally. i w0ke up to pian0 lesson. fcuking grade 8 =/ damn difficult to learn. yikes. whatever. i HATE scales. uGhs` anyway, i was damn sh0cked when mummiEe t0ld me we were g0in to toa payoa to sh0p today`! c0s i wasnt expectin it. so after pian0, we went to t0a pay0a to haf luncHh and sh0p`!! was so great. i ate want0n n0odles AGAIN. =p supp0sed to be buyin sh0es f0r my siblings, but in the end, i guess we were shoppin for my stuff instead xD. went to hangten and my mum spotted dis sweatshirt and sweatpants(set). didnt really lyk it when i saw it. but luckily my mum told me to try it. it l0oked great`! rAwkks. b0ught it of course`! so there, another item on my list striked off. after that we finally went l0okin f0r sh0es. odd. usually, i cant decide on which shoes i want, and always complain =/ but this time, as i walked into BATA, i saw this sports shoes. and i didnt complain`!! i was thinkin, omg, it surely must be expensive, my mum surely wouldnt agree...=( but i guess today is my lucky day?! the price was reasonable, and there was my size`! c0ol =D an0ther item on my wishlist striked off. isnt dat great? now im just worried bout tomorrow =/ h0pe luck stays with me this week. definitely must remb always to wish, h0pe and pray`!! please...let tomorrow be as go0d.
plentiful tday - 10:27 pm